Tuesday, April 18, 2006

6 th generation added to my family

my niece had her first baby- boy today at 10:28 am
such a cutie and so tiny, when i held him he was looking
up at me just staring at me. love em already


catt said...

but he is beutiful LOL
just had to put that there LOL
thanks for dropping by Sierra

catt said...

LOL, it's alright, everyone does it at some point. i just cant wait to spoil him LOL

catt said...

you can have my three just kidding. he's a very quiet one, so far

Brenda Bryce said...

Wow. Now, how do you mean 6th gen? can't all be living can they?

catt said...

yep, alive!! hubby's family all started young!!

Paz Edwards said...

Congratulations on the new addition to your family.


catt said...

hey brenda!! thanks for stopping by!